Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Best Medicine?

Whenever I go to the gym to workout, I bring along my iPhone so I can listen to some music. I've gone through the trouble of creating a "Workout" playlist that is meant to inspire, while I perspire. It gets old though. So I started streaming Pandora for more variety, but even then I was getting songs that all sounded the same. Then I was inspired, why not listen to some stand up comedy clips? There is a reason that you haven't thought of this while taking a jog, or pumping iron. It is a bad idea. I made it through my pull ups without incident, and then slapped some weights onto the barbell, got into position and heaved about 135 pounds over my chest on the bench press. Then my earbuds are filled with someone actually being funny and I realize that I may be putting my life in danger. It can be a little difficult to maintain a steady breath and muscle composure when someone is imitating George Bush trying to do arithmetic. Something about 150billion percent being almost half. Things were still hovering on the awkward side when I am grinning ear to ear while on the treadmill. I'm a happy guy and all, but I don't need anyone at the gym thinking I am borderline psycho. I will be back to the old playlist next time.

We don't watch much TV in this house. When we do, it is usually a movie or Allie's favorite America's Funniest Videos (which is never on at the gym, go figure). Two great shows that we always record or watch in real time (okay, beside Packer games GO PACK GO) are Parenthood, and Justified. Pretty much polar opposites. Parenthood is a show that we can relate to. It covers relationships of married adult couples, their teen-age children and the real issues that happen in life. It is wonderfully written, and will make you laugh, or have you grabbing for a box of tissues. Then there is Justified. It's about a Federal Marshall that gets to say the best lines on TV while bending the law to catch criminals in Harlen County Kentucky. One of the reasons that I like the show is because Joe likes watching with us. It gets difficult to watch TV shows with your teenage son, common interests are harder to come by. While Parenthood is excellent, it really doesn't appeal to the teen age boy 90% time. There is a story line with a high school senior named Drew and his one and off relationship with Amy, but most of the show is more about older relationships.

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