Thursday, January 10, 2013

Letter to the Editor

We live in a VERY conservative area. Each week I read our local paper and cringe when I read the thoughts of some of the fellow citizens around me. Today, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut, or, I should say my fingers from typing.

Here is what was written, and my response to the editor. I will let you know next week if my comments get posted.

Marriage has not Changed

Centuries ago, the institution of marriage was created for one male and one female united in wedlock as one, and at their choosing can give birth to children. That is the definition of marriage.

A committed gay or lesbian couple cannot meet this definition of marriage because they cannon give birth to children on their own. So it's not a marriage.

But they can have a civil ceremony with the legal rights of a marriage, but they are not satisfied with that. So, now who's intolerant? Keep the sanctity of marriage.

-Ed (last name omitted from my blog), Grafton.

Ed, I sure hope that "marriage" has changed. As you say, "Centuries ago, the institution of marriage…" Don't forget that centuries ago, marriage was not an institution based off of love and romance, but of a business arrangement between two families. An arrangement where the wife was expected to be subservient to her husband in all matters. I hope things have changed. You also feel that if a couple cannot reproduce children that there is no point in being married. In the United States there are about 12% of heterosexual married couples that cannot have children. I know people that will never be able to reproduce because of a physical condition and are happily married or hope to be someday. Adoption is an option for anyone (regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, or marital status) who can care for, love, and raise a child. I know homosexual couples that have adopted children. They are wonderful parents. Sadly, there are people who are intolerant, and ignorant of what the definition of marriage should be. With divorce rates so high for heterosexuals, I think it is us who might be able to learn a thing or two from committed gay or lesbian couples. They certainly are not getting married because of a business arrangement or because they are expected to get married because someone got pregnant. If two people love each other, our society should celebrate that. It is love, not intolerance, that will make this world a better place.

-Jason Goyette, Cedarburg

So the whole issue bothers me. I totally support our gay and lesbian community. Like I said in my response I have met a nice gay couple that have adopted 3 kids that have special needs. That takes more love, and more commitment than the average person can imagine. I also know a nice lesbian couple that adopted a child from Russia over 15 years ago and they are wonderful people. But, what steamed me the most was when he said that if they can't have children then they can't be married. Excuse me, WHAT? My daughter will not be able to give birth to a biological child, but if she wants to get married someday, it will be a wedding (and a marriage) to remember!

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