Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So the new year has just started and you are supposed to make some changes. Around here, changes are the norm. Make plans to go somewhere, they will be cancelled. Go out to a movie, come home after 20 minutes (true story). Get a job offer, accept it, then realize that it will end up costing you much more than you could earn financially.

Welcome to our "Spinning Wheel". 

The term has been hanging over us like a dark cloud for years. Sometimes that dark cloud will dump a torrential storm on you. It might just drizzle a bit. Or if you are lucky, it will pass quickly and the Sun will fill your skies. It wasn't that long ago that we used to wait at the check out at the grocery store and inside our heads we would make that familiar sound that comes after someone spins the wheel on the Price is Right. click click click... Will the credit card transaction go through??? Thankfully, it always did go through and even more so, going to the store now doesn't cause that moment of anxiety to reoccur.

The Wheel continues to spin. Allie has been prescribed human growth hormones twice in the past. The first time was when she was about 6 years old. She is on the smaller side for height, and the only way to help her grow more is going to be by giving her a daily injection of HGH. Needles aren't her thing, this is where the problem lies. It was too traumatic on her when she was that young so we stopped the injections within a few days. When she was 9, we heard about a new device that didn't use a needle to get the HGH into her. Instead is was a "jet" of medication that would pierce her skin. Sounds pretty good in theory. Problem was that if it wasn't 100% perfectly lined up and the area that it was being put in was 100% still, it would cut a line in the skin and puff up for days. We tried that for about 3 months before giving it up. Now Allie is 4'2" and her growth has been going slowly, so we made another appointment with her endocrinologist and we are going to give HGH another "shot". The newest device will use a needle, but it is only 1/4 long and I believe that it is a 32 gauge needle (very, very thin). We hope to start therapy in a few weeks once it get approved by insurance again.

I got a job. Then, I turned it down. With Joe going to college soon, we thought a few extra bucks would be nice to have. Turns out that if we increase our income, we end up paying more for college. Sounds stupid, and yes, it is. I am already gainfully employed around the house. Teaching homeschooling, taking care of the house, etc. Amy calls me the "glue" that holds it all together. I couldn't do it without her though, she is my rock.

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